Labor Social (Social work in the rural area)

Un fin de semana de labor social, fomentando en los niños el entusiasmo de colaborar con los demás, donando un filtro de agua, sembrando árboles frutales, entregando cepillos y pasta dental y socializando con los demás. A weekend doing social work,  creating in kids the spirit to collaborate with the others,  donating a water filter,  planting fruit trees,  giving tooth past and tooth brushes.

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The library in Monte Mercedes, Sololá.

Dear friends:

It is a pleasure to share with you that the libraries in Monte Mercedes is now available twice a week.   This is part of the support that we could provide to the community, where Vilma one our scholarship student will be working as a librarian, the library still need many resources like more books,  games,  but also the  leaders of the town request for computers and a librarian who could work full time so any help or support for this library will be welcome.



"Dia de la Familia"

Gran celebración del Dia de la Familia con nuestros grupos de Tutorias Infantiles en las diferentes comunidades, donde todos ganaron premios, comieron, aprendieron y se or

Big Celetration of "Family Day" with our groups of Children Tutoring program in different communities, where they won prizes, ate, learned and had fun.dia de la familia