We are excited to announce that Forma/Forjando Mi Mañana is opening a new learning center in San Antonio Palopo. San Antonio Palopo is one of the indigenous villages located around Lake Atitlan. San Antonio Palopo’s schools significantly underperform other rural schools in the Lake Atitlan region. Our hope is to turnaround the town’s low academic achievements through promoting reading, providing classes in basic computation and technology, providing classes to reinforce student’s math skills and providing classes in English and art. This is a new center and we need your help to supply the community with enrichment materials. We are seeking donations of new or used Spanish books or all ages and levels. We only have 4 available computers for our new center which will not be sufficient to meet the communities needs. We are also seeking donations of computers and basic technology supplies (USB drives, printers). Computers must be in good working order and no more than 5 years of age. We are happy to accept all PC’s and Apple products, both desktops and laptops. Additionally we would welcome any school supplies such as paper, pens, pencils, scissors, waterproof markers, crayons and the like. If you are interested in becoming more involved with our program we currently have several volunteer positions available. We are are looking for volunteer English and/or technology teachers, individuals to serve lunch to a group of elderly women from San Antonio or volunteers to work in our organic vegetable garden. If you are interested please contact Candelaria at: formaguatemala@gmail.com